Καλλιτεχνικό Εργαστήρι Hotel Obscura


Hotel Obscura @ magdas 9.-10.10.2015


Live art, intervention, site-specific performance, one-to-one performance, social art, community art, participatory performance, immersive theater, urban gaming. Although all of these terms function as a technical term in a certain scene, a certain form of “theater”, and partly lead to very different results, what all these endeavors have in common is intensive reflection on the relationship between audience and actors. Reflection in the sense of: Let’s all go for a walk together on the fourth wall! Hotel Obscura has given itself the label of live art, meaning processes, strategies that enable an interaction between audience and actors starting each time from a concrete space. This is more than just a performance for a small audience and also more than mere interaction. A framework is to be created each time, the outcome is not yet determined. This sounds like a social experiment and self-experience, and in the best case it also has something to do with ideas about responsibility….

More info here